Package-level declarations


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An ExoPlayer with a few extra APIs for interacting with Mux Video (TODO: link?) This player also integrates transparently with Mux Data (TODO: link?)


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fun <Any> allEqual(vararg these: Any): Boolean

Return true if all elements in the given set are equal

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fun Int.clamp(min: Int, max: Int): Int

Clamps an integer between the given min and max

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fun convertPxToDp(px: Int, displayDensity: Float): Int

Convert from a raw pixel dimension to a density-independent (dip) dimension

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inline fun <T> T.logTag(): String

Gets a Log Tag from the name of the calling class. Can be used in any package that isn't obfuscated (such as muxstats)

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fun <Any> Any.noneOf(vararg these: Any): Boolean

Returns true if the receiver is not in the given objects.

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fun <Any> Any.oneOf(vararg these: Any): Boolean

Returns true if the receiver is not in the given objects.